Healing physically, emotionally and spiritually
Quantum Muscle Testing Sessions
Muscle Testing (also know as applied kinesiology) is a method of gathering accurate biofeedback from the body’s state by stimulating the muscular system…
"In the beginning God (Yahweh) created the world through sound, vibration, frequencies and light. God spoke creation into existence. I always pray in my sessions that I will align myself with the sound and frequency of the Holy Spirit."
Muscle testing, how does it work?
Muscle testing works on the principle of quantum physics and quantum laws. Just like the scans created by machines like the Xray, MRI or CT, muscle testing also makes use of the quantum physics science. The amazing thing is, that you do not have to pay millions to buy the machine. Instead, we test muscles and the electromagnetic current of the body…

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About Best Life Therapies
Best Life therapies was birthed out of the commission in Isaiah 61:1 “…to set the captives free and bind up the broken hearted…Our aim is to help people to submit all their woundedness, body, soul and spirit to the heart of the Father for healing and deliverance.
Client Testimonials
What People Say?
Johann is highly dedicated and gives you his full attention. His friendly personality and authenticity make you feel safe to be open and honest. With his prophetic gift, discernment and life experience he has the keen ability to find the root issues. He is a good listener and also provides practical wisdom for addressing the persistent questions of life.
I am very grateful for quantum muscle testing because it is so accurate. This tool identified the bloodline iniquity and curses in my life in detail, and it gave words for the trauma that was stuck in my body for many years. In the quantum sessions with Johann I received healing and deliverance at a deep level and that gave me back my freedom to live the life God intended for me. I am able to open up my heart to God and people around me and I am enjoying intimacy with God like never before.
A from Nederland

Prayerfully consider giving a love offering, should the Holy Spirit lead you to do so. The seed you sow will help pay for people that are broken and needy, but are financially unable to pay for sessions.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
– 2 Corinthians 9:7 –